Female genital cosmetic surgery. Is it a matter of aesthetics or of health?
An increasing number of women wish to feel at ease with their bodies and turn to intimate or female genital surgery in order to feel more confident during sexual intercourse and get greater pleasure out of it. This involves a number of surgical techniques which are not only used for aesthetic reasons but also in order to resolve the needs of many women who suffer from psychological and physical issues as a result of a malformation or injury around the genital area. This may have occurred over time, following childbirth, as a result of an injury or may be a birth defect.
At Instituto Bernabeu, we have a team of expert anaesthetists and gynaecologists who, as well as having the comfort and safety of an appropriate operating theatre, have adequate training, experience and access to the latest technology in order to carry out surgery of this kind. The following types of vaginal surgery are carried out at our clinics:
This is the reduction or augmentation of the labia majora or labia minora as a result of hypertrophy. Patients with hypertrophy face certain limitations in their daily lives such as discomfort when wearing tight trousers or swimwear, discomfort during sexual intercourse, etc. This discomfort adds psychological issues to the existing physical complications. Such issues can be resolved through a simple surgical procedure which reduces or increases the flaps of skin around the vaginal area.
Vaginal tightening or widening of the vaginal cavity
Following childbirth, or from the age of 40 onwards, it is not uncommon for a woman’s muscle tone around the vagina to become poor and for the cavity to become wider. With a simple surgical procedure, the diameter is reduced and muscle tone is improved.
The opposite procedure can also be carried out. In other words, vaginal widening, which is a common procedure amongst young women who have a small uterus, a condition which can lead to problems during sexual intercourse. Widening is carried out through a simple surgical procedure.
Reconstruction of the perineum or the tissue between the vagina and rectum is carried out on patients who have experienced tearing during childbirth. Perineoplasty aims to rebuild the affected muscles and recuperate the function of the perineum.
This practice is very popular amongst women who, whether for cultural or religious reasons, consider their virginity to be of great importance. For a number of reasons, their hymen may have ruptured and, as a result, they may suffer from rejection amongst family members. With a simple surgical procedure, it is possible to reconstruct the area so that the hymen is again broken and bleeding occurs when the patient next has sexual intercourse. That is retrieval of virginity.

The procedure carried out in order to reduce the hood of the clitoris is known as a clitoroplasty. This technique consists of removing excess skin in order to reduce it in size. It is not very invasive and ensures that sensitivity around the area is not lost.
Lacerations caused by piercings
Tears and holes can sometimes arise in the genital area as a result of piercings. This can lead to a loss of sensitivity (if the nerves in that area are affected) and produce infections or serious injuries both to the skin and to the blood vessels. A gynaecologist examines the area in order to evaluate the damage and determine the most suitable technique in order to correct the issues.
Removal of sebaceous cysts
Removing sebaceous cysts or a lipoma is a simple procedure which removes protrusions or lumps which sometimes appear around the genital area. They can be an issue from an aesthetic point of view but also from a medical point of view if an infection sets in. The condition can sometimes be painful.
Removal of warts
Genital warts are not only an issue from an aesthetic point of view. It is essential that they are removed immediately by a specialist gynaecologist or dermatologist because of their connection to cancer of the uterus. It is also important that an holistic approach be taken to the treatment of the human papillomavirus (HPV) which is the root cause of the issue.
When deciding whether or not to undergo surgery, it is important to think about our health from a gynaecological point of view as well as any other implications. Patients should turn to expert gynaecologists to ensure that the invasive nature of the techniques used is reduced as much as possible, that they do not suffer from any unnecessary consequences and their health is not put at risk. Specialists carry out an evaluation and advise on the most suitable procedure in each case.