Artificial insemination
We explain the treatments and tests involved in this ambulatory assisted reproductive technique, which is often used by women without fertility problems.

What is artificial insemination at home?
As a result of a number of television programmes, as well as articles in newspapers and online, it has now become public knowledge that what we commonly know as artificial insemination at home is becoming […]

The increase in new types of family units over the last few decades has been one of the world’s most significant changes. For various reasons, the single parent family, is one of the most common […]

Why does embryonic arrest sometimes happen during in vitro development?
Many factors can intervene in arrest processes during embryo development which mean cell division is detained and, therefore, it is not possible to implant the embryo in the mother’s uterus and bring about a pregnancy. […]

Spermiogramme and Advanced Semen Studies (FISH AND TUNEL)
One of the basic studies done to determine the male’s sperm quality is the seminogramme , also known as spermiogramme. We would need a sperm sample to carry it out (see how to take the […]

All our genetic information is encoded in DNA. DNA is found in the nucleus of every cell of our body as part of the structures called chromosomes. The analysis of these chromosomes is called a […]

Fertility Treatment Medication
There are many drugs that are used when a couple undergoes a fertility treatment (IVF, insemination, egg donation, etc.). Some are very simple to use and have virtually no side effects and others are more […]

Beta hCG test: Pregnancy test with blood sample
What is a Beta: B-hCG pregnancy test ? The determination of the levels of the hormone beta-hCG in blood. The hormone produces the embryo and passes to the mother via the placenta. This is the […]

A negative beta hCG test. Now what?
What happens following the wait (‘the beta hCG wait‘) which generates so much anxiety whilst, at the same time, creating the hope that our lives may be changed forever when, in the end, the result […]

Reproductive Medicine for Jews
The Bible (Torah) teaches us that God created the world in 6 days. The last day He created man and woman and gave them a commandment: grow and multiply (Genesis 1:28) that must be obeyed […]

A father’s age and its impact on the health of his children
Anyone who works in the field of fertility puts a great deal of time and effort into working out how to improve pregnancy rates. However, significantly less time is spent thinking about the period that follows gestation […]