
Urology is the branch of medicine that deals with the diagnosis and treatment in males and females of diseases of the urinary tract and urogenital system. It also relates to problems relating to the male’s reproductory system.
Prostate illnesses
After the age of 50, it is very important that men have a check-up with a Urologist, especially of he has difficulties urinating or has to get up frequently during the night to empty his bladder. At Instituto Bernabeu, by taking a simple test, for example a rectal tact or the measurement of PSA in blood, it is possible to give an initial diagnosis. We can also diagnose with the use of abdominal ultrasound scans or a prostate biopsy done using a transrectal ultrasound scan, which allows us to give an early diagnosis for certain illnesses – including prostate cancer.
Phimosis is defined as the tightness of the preputial ring with resultant inability to retract a fully differentiated foreskin. In other words, the foreskin is so tight it cannot be pulled back completely to reveal the gland. Frequently found when men begin to have sexual intercourse. It can equally be found in more mature men, who have not previously had this complication in their earlier life. It can begin to develop causing hygiene problems and in some cases making bladder emptying very difficult. In other cases, the problem lies in the shortness of the preputial skin that makes the penis curve uncomfortably, especially when having sexual intercourse.
This condition can be treated surgically using local anaesthetic. However, the patient does not need to be hospitalised. Circumcision is the removal of the tight preputial skin that prevents free moevement of the penis. This is done while assuring that the result is aesthetically pleasing.
Sexually transmitted diseases
This group of infections manifests in different ways according to their origin. Symptoms include the secretion of urethral pus, pain and testicular inflammation, discomfort while urinating or coetaneous conditions that fundamentally affect the penis or inguinal area. In most cases sexual contact is to blame for the infection and so it is necessary to get a precise diagnosis in order to apply the correct treatment.
Female urologic consultations
Urinary infections or cystitis
This is the principal cause for women to pay a visit to the urologist; It usually affects women during their reproductive years. Among the symptoms are itchiness or even pain while urinating, and urine containing blood. When it happens very often, a visit to the urologist is recommended in order to establish the reasons as to why it is happening and to apply the best treatment available to prevent it from reappearing.
Urinary Incontinence
Involuntary loss of urine deteriorates life quality for women who suffer from it. The urological check-up consists of writing a detailed clinical history orientated to find the facts that cause the loss. This could be due to an important physical effort or an unstoppable urge to empty the bladder. A physical examination is always advised in order to find the reason for the incontinence.
Treatment for this disorder depends on the type of incontinence presented by the patient; a high percentage of good results have been experienced using orally administered drugs as well as surgical procedures.