Instituto Bernabeu presents its pioneering study on the embryo non-invasive chromosomal analysis technique at the PGDIS congress in Berlin

Instituto Bernabeu has travelled to Germany’s capital of to participate in the 19th International Congress of Preimplantational Genetics-PGDIS 2022 held in April 10 – 13 in Berlin. Faithful to its annual appointment with the world meeting of preimplantational genetic diagnosis, the clinic has been present with the research Non-invasive PGT-A (niPGT-A) reliability using different techniques for chromosomal analysis that has been presented in poster format by Dr Ruth Morales, head of genetic counselling at Instituto Bernabeu.
The research has assessed the accuracy of the non-invasive genetic screening technique niPGT-A. It is a procedure that doesn’t require embryo biopsy as it analyses possible chromosomal alterations from the DNA found in the culture medium. The study was based on the comparison of two different chromosome analysis techniques to check if there are differences in the results. After analysing the two methods, the researchers conclude that the reliability of the non-invasive preimplantation genetic test niPGT-A does not depend on the genetic analysis technique used. The scientists at Instituto Bernabeu indicate that possible targets for improving the reliability of the non-invasive technique are the optimisation of the culture conditions and the way in which the culture medium is collected.
This pioneering scientific work has already been recognised with the EBM-ASEBIR 2021 national award for the best oral communication.
Non-invasive PGT-A (niPGT-A) reliability using different techniques for chromosomal analysis
B. Lledó, R. Morales, JA Ortiz, A. Rodríguez-Arnedo, J. Ten, JC Castillo, A. Bernabeu, J. Ll. Aparicio, R. Bernabeu