Spanish Association of Human Genetics Congress of the: Participation of BIOTECH
March, 31st 2011

Our genetic services company, IB BIOTECH, will participate in an oral communication entitled, “Obtaining the genetic profile of embryos from IVF /ICSI cycles”, where embryos with abnormal fertilisation and thus are not initially transferred to the mother’s uterus are genetically analysed.
Our other presentation titles include:
– “Twin pregnancy after PGD in a balanced translocation carrier X: autosome”. Where we describe the result of a successful cycle of preimplantation genetic diagnosis performed at our clinic.
-“Study of SNPs in the promoter of the CDH1 gene and its relationship with gastric cancer”. We share the outcome of a detailed genetic study of a patient whose family has a history of gastric cancer.
Dr Ruth Morales and Dr Joseph A. Ortiz will be presenting at the Spanish Association of Human Genetics Congress being held in Murcia from 30 March to 1 April.