

Influence of group embryo culture versus individual embryo culture on blastocyst quality and rate of blastocyst formation

Influence of group embryo culture versus individual embryo culture on blastocyst quality and rate of blastocyst formation

Investigation subject: whether there’re differences in the development and quality of individually and group cultured embryos.

Objective: todetermine which method of embryo culture (single or group) up to day 5 is best to achieve the highest quality and rate of blastocyst formation.

Current situation: Embryos database.

Location: IB Alicante.

Coordinated by: Miguel Herreros, Laura Martí, Nerea Díaz, María del Carmen Tió, Dr Adoración Rodríguez, Jaime Guerrero, Dr José Ortiz, Dr Jorge Ten y Dr Rafael Bernabeu.

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