Urology and andrology

Become a father after the age of 40 – 50. Does it have any risks?
Many studies has been made on how older maternal age is related to a lower probability of achieving pregnancy. Higher miscarriages frequency and higher risk of certain chromosomal abnormalities in the foetus. But little attention […]

What is a hydrocele? Symptoms and treatment
A hydrocele is the accumulation of fluid in the testicular covers (in one or both testicles) causing an almost permanent swelling of the scrotum. Is not rare in newborns, but they occur more frequently in […]

Mumps, what is it? Parotitis, more commonly known as “mumps”, is a contagious viral disease that affects one or both parotid glands (major salivary glands) situated behind the ascending rami of the mandible. It is caused by the mumps […]

How to be a parent after vasectomy?
Vasectomy acts as an obstructive azoospermia which means it achieves the absence of spermatozoa and spermatogenic cells in the sperm and urine after ejaculation, due to a bilateral obstruction of the seminal ducts. It is […]

What is orchitis? What impact does it have on male fertility?
Mumps rubalavirus leads to an illness during infancy that is commonly known as mumps and that can, in some cases, affect male fertility and lead to male fertility issues. In cases such as these, the illness can affect […]