Research Papers to be presented at ESHRE by Instituto Bernabeu (EUROPEAN FERTILITY CONFERENCE)

The 26th ESHRE will be taking place this year between the 28 and 30 of June. For another year our group is participating with 2 research papers and an oral presentation.
The following papers have been chosen to be published as posters:
How we could rescue undocumented embryos with a common paternity test?
Rodríguez-Arnedo, A., Ten, J., Guerrero, J., Lledó, B., Carracedo, M.A., Ortiz J. A., Ll. Aparicio, J., Bernabeu. R.
Sperm DNA fragmentation is not associated with assisted reproductive outcome
Ll. Aparicio, Jorge Ten, Belén Lledó, Adoración Rodríguez-Arnedo, Ruth Morales and Rafael Bernabeu.
And the selected paper will be given as an oral presentation:
“Assessment quality of life in cross-border patients using the new tool “fertiqol””,
And will be presented by Dr Ll. Aparicio on the 29th at 17:00 in Hall 10: Room B.