The Instituto Bernabeu received the Aldeas Infantiles Award as a “Future Building Company”

Last Wednesday 27th of May, the Instituto Bernabeu received the Aldeas Infantiles Award as “Future Builder Company”, as a recognition to the support given as founder of the business platform, in the Fifth Aniversary together with other companies like Iberdrola, Banco Santander o Telefónica.
The Instituto Bernabeu supports with a yearly contribution the “Aldea Infantil Ciudad de Madrid”, where different proyects are developed: day centre, employment workshop, social and laboral insertion and specific health and family support programs.
Sómnica Bernabeu, Assistant Director of Instituto Bernabeu Gynaecology and Fertility Clinics based in Alicante and Murcia provinces and Rafael Bernabeu Foundation Coordinator, received the award from Mr. Juan Belda Becerra Aldeas Infantiles President, in a ceremony that took place in Madrid in the CEOE Headquarters.
In the ceremony they emphasize the importance of the work done by the “Future Builder Companies”, that contribute to the support of Aldeas Infantiles and make possible a large number of programs within, giving answer to the increasing social demands in the areas of childhood and youth and families at risk situation.
The Instituto Bernabeu Group Directors Board has shown their involment with this initiative part of a great social work that are carry out through its Foundation, loyal to their Corporate Social Responsability that they have maintain since the beginninf of the Instituto Bernabeu.