
أخبار حالية

Pharmacy students from the UCLM approach the word of Assisted Reproduction with a visit to Instituto Bernabeu in Albacete.


Pharmacy students from the UCLM approach the word of Assisted Reproduction with a visit to Instituto Bernabeu in Albacete.

A total of 42, 5th grade Pharmacy students from the University of Castilla la Mancha (UCLM) visited the Instituto Bernabeu facilities in Albacete with the aim of learning more about the word of Assisted Reproduction as a possible work alternative once they finish their studies.

This visit gave the students the opportunity to immerse themselves in the day-to-day life of IB Albacete. During the tour, students were guided through the various areas of work, from the andrology labs to the In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF) facilities. The clinic’s professionals shared their experiences, detailed the types of patients they work with and provided detailed information about the processes and procedures involved in assisted reproduction.

They were also able to visit the gamete bank, where the eggs and sperm donation programme of Instituto Bernabeu Albacete was explained to the students. The students were able to understand the importance of this programme in helping couples and people who have difficulty conceiving.

This initiative not only provided the students with a broader view of assisted reproduction, but also underlined the importance of collaboration between professionals from different clinical disciplines related to reproductive medicine in order for them to explore new opportunities and consider this path in their future careers, as they can play a vital role in supporting those seeking to build their families.


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