
منشورات علمية

Prevalence of candidate single nucleotide polymorphisms on p53, IL-11, IL-10, VEGF and APOE in patients with repeated implantation failure (RIF) and pregnancy loss (RPL)

Prevalence of candidate single nucleotide polymorphisms on p53, IL-11, IL-10, VEGF and APOE in patients with repeated implantation failure (RIF) and pregnancy loss (RPL)

تاريخ: 15 أكتوبر 2018


Human Fertility. October 2018. Azahara Turienzo, Belén Lledó, José A. Ortiz, Ruth Morales, Juan Sanz, Ll. Aparicio & Rafael Bernabeu.

A pharmacogenetic approach to improve low ovarian response: The role of CAG repeats length in the androgen receptor gene

A pharmacogenetic approach to improve low ovarian response: The role of CAG repeats length in the androgen receptor gene

تاريخ: 01 أغسطس 2018


European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology. Volume 227, August 2018, Pages 41-45. B.Lledó, J.Ll. Aparicio, JA.Ortiz, B.Martinez, R.Morales, R.Bernabeu.

Does embryo mosaicism affect clinic results in assisted reproduction cycles?

Does embryo mosaicism affect clinic results in assisted reproduction cycles?

تاريخ: 03 أكتوبر 2017


Young Investigator Award winner.

Abstracts for 2017 Foundation for Reproductive Medicine Translational Reproductive Biology and Clinical Reproductive Endocrinology Conference. 

J Assist Reprod Genet (2017) 34:1385–1402. October 2017. Andrea Bernabeu, José Antonio Ortiz, Belén Lledó, Ruth Morales, Elena Fernández, Jorge Ten, Rafael Bernabeu.

Estudio del volumen y la vascularización trofoblástica mediante power doppler tridimensional en la novena semana en gestaciones espontáneas y tras técnicas de reproducción asistida

Estudio del volumen y la vascularización trofoblástica mediante power doppler tridimensional en la novena semana en gestaciones espontáneas y tras técnicas de reproducción asistida

تاريخ: 11 يونيو 2017

Elsevier. 154-161. Junio 2017. Francisco Sellers, Belén Moliner, Ana Palacios, Rafael Sellers, Ll. Aparicio y Rafael Bernabeu.

Human sperm motility, capacitation and acrosome reaction are impaired by 2- arachidonoylglycerol endocannabinoid.

Human sperm motility, capacitation and acrosome reaction are impaired by 2- arachidonoylglycerol endocannabinoid.

تاريخ: 01 يونيو 2017


Histology and Histopathology. 11-911. June 2016. M.M. Francou, J.L. Girela, A. De Juan, J. Ten, R. Bernabeu, J. De Juan

Implantation potential of mosaic embryos.

Implantation potential of mosaic embryos.

تاريخ: 17 مارس 2017


Systems Biology in Reproductive Medicine. Vol63, NO.3, 206-208. April 2017. B. Lledó, R. Morales, JA. Ortiz, H. Blanca, J. Ten, J. Ll. Aparicio, R. Bernabeu. 

Congenital anomalies after assisted reproduction techniques and their correlation with embryonic quality

Congenital anomalies after assisted reproduction techniques and their correlation with embryonic quality

تاريخ: 15 نوفمبر 2016


Revista Iberoamericana de Fertilidad. Vol. 33 nº 4. November 2016. Francisco Sellers López, Belén Moliner Renau, Jorge Ten Morro, Jaime Guerrero Villena, Ana Palacios Marqués, Rafael Bernabeu Pérez.

Study of placental vascularization using 3D Power Doppler on week 20 of spontaneous pregnancies and after assisted reproductive techniques

Study of placental vascularization using 3D Power Doppler on week 20 of spontaneous pregnancies and after assisted reproductive techniques

تاريخ: 15 أكتوبر 2016


Revista Iberoamericana de Fertilidad. Vol. 33 nº 4. October 2016. Francisco Sellers López, Belén Moliner Renau, Ana Palacios Marqués, Rafael Bernabeu Pérez.

Chromosomal polymorphic variants increase aneuploidies in male gametes and embryos

Chromosomal polymorphic variants increase aneuploidies in male gametes and embryos

تاريخ: 25 أغسطس 2016


Systems Biology in Reproductive Medicine. Vol. 62,  Issue 5, pp 317-324. August 2016. Ruth Morales, Belén Lledó, José A. Ortiz, Jorge Ten, Joaquin Ll. Aparicio & Rafael Bernabeu.

Clinical efficacy of recombinant versus highly purified follicle-stimulating hormone according to follicle-stimulating hormone receptor genotype

Clinical efficacy of recombinant versus highly purified follicle-stimulating hormone according to follicle-stimulating hormone receptor genotype

تاريخ: 17 مايو 2016


Pharmacogenetics GenomicsVol 26 (6), 288-93. June 2016.  Belén Lledó, Patricia Dapena, Jose A. Ortiz, Ruth Morales, Joaquín Ll. Aparicio and Rafael Bernabeu


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